"Who could look into the eyes of such a miracle and doubt the reality of God." - Angela Thomas Guffey

Our baby girl, Maylin Dawn, was born on July 18th, 2010, 9 weeks early at Parkview North Hospital in Fort Wayne. She spent 3 weeks and 2 days in the NICU facility. We created this page to keep our family and friends informed of our new life adjustments and updates on Maylin's miracles during her stay there.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Day before Surgery

Day 18
Wed. Aug. 4th, 2010
Weight: 4 lbs. 3.9 oz.
Dr. A
Nurses : AM-Sue

Finally got word on a date and time for Maylin's surgery, which is set for tomorrow at 10 am. He'll be removing the umbilical cord to the abdominal wall, then doing an exploratory portion to see what exactly is feeding the cord. Might be coming from the bladder. So we'll see what he does with that. Dr. Smith will be performing the surgery, so we're praying for peace for everyone...us...the doctors and the nurses as Maylin goes in, and that God heals and protects her little body.

Highlight of her day was that she nurses awesome! I started counted her "clicks and swallows" and she'd do like 10 in a row...take a breath...then 1o more...I was so proud of her! She is doing great with that. Just hard telling exactly how much she is getting when she does nurse so that's kind of the downside of that being one of her feedings. She still gets an entire feeding from the tube when she nurses...so I guess it's ok for her to have a really full belly!

Will update all of you on how the surgery goes in the morning! Many prayers...many prayers...thanks=_

1 comment:

  1. How VERY special that she's nursing SO well already! :) We'll be praying during surgery this morning!
